Sunday, 24 June 2007

While I weep………..

I listen to someone who knows me well
Scatter words of scorn in a way that dispel
Shreds of notions that I hold dear
Withering away my sorrows into fear

Today’s yet another day
And I think, have I lost my way?
Marauding through the inner recesses of my mind
Searching for answers that I cannot find

Mulling over the futility of despairs that I parry
Seemingly rational, plundering through a mirage like a rapparee
A mirror translucent yet ubiquitous
Throwing images bewitchingly identical yet discernibly obliquitous

But today’s yet another day
My passing tomorrows in tangled disarray
A shimmering chassis of oblique longing
Mesmerising yet advocating wisdom prolonging

My yesterdays purloin chasms of tomorrow
Yet fragments of imminent todays do I borrow
My tears recede to gauntlets of light
Suffused with hope, I parry on and fight

Friday, 22 June 2007

For I am grateful

As I journey through vast expanses of green,
and catch a glimpse of the azure blue sky;
I count my blessings and thank forces unseen,
For I am grateful that I have the sense of sight!
That has the ability to behold the wondrous joy,
That one gets from watching nature's unrivaled beauty

For I am grateful that I can watch the contours of the land,
Blend into the hues of the sea ;
The deep richness of the browns
Contrasting with the tones of blue,
For the land that lies before me is destiny's own naked skin,
On which man has drawn figurines akin
Tapestries of love and hate; fear and worship,
and the joy and oneness of worshipping all that is real,
by laying bricks and stones of foundations surreal

For the sense of smell that inhales the fresh scent of the morning dew;
The pines and fir, cascades of water and rivulets of streams,
That flow between mountains locked in a tight embrace,
The dampness of the earth and the scent of my beloved;
To smell man's worship of nature as,
Mortar and tartar give way to open hills and dales;
Valleys nurturing pleasures sublime, unparalleled,
Like a sense of security when cradled against a mother's bosom

For the ability to think, perceive and enjoy
The richness of conjoined thoughts,
While marvelling at pieces of the lord's jigsaw puzzle;
Browns, greens, dark greens, blue
give way to glimpses of what's true;
What one takes for granted,
another derives pleasure from

As I watch the dotted trees that line the fertile meadows,
Ensconced by the myriad reflections of the lake;
Tears come to my eyes as I marvel at creation,
Untouched yet sculptured to suit man's hedonistic urges
I know then that I am blessed,
For I am grateful for all that I can see, touch, feel, think and share,
In god's own bountiful lair